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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Day with iPhone 3GS !

After my story "A Journey into Apple !", a friend of mine approached me to unlock his new iPhone 3GS. So, with his permission, i took his iPhone a day and Unlocked it for him. A day long i looked into the phone and enjoyed every feature on it. Digital Compass is the most admire-able thing i found with this phone. "MagiTact", an electronic magnetometer that traces the earths magnetic field and shows the exact direction in the phone. Google Maps application with GPS and Magnetometer guides a perfect way into streets. In Google Maps, there shows a mark that exactly match the top side direction of the iPhone.

App store is the next beautiful thing with the iPhone. After Signing-In with Apple ID, there are lot of applications available with App Store. Applications with App Store were unimaginable. Lot of motion games available with iPhone, each and everyone were really amazing.

More than an review, i loved it. After i had the phone in my hand, it just made me very eager to buy my own. To be frank, more than BlackBerry Storm 2 9550, My Nokia E71, I prefer more to get an iPhone. Well this is older verions, Now i prefer more to buy iPhone 4.

Then discussing the iPhone unlock, its a quiet easy steps. Visit my Wordpress blog to know more about Unlocking iPhone 3GS. Find below the photograph of iPhone 3GS being unlocked. Jailbreakme is a small application that's used to Unlock any iPhone iOS. Its a cool thing. I experienced similar installation procedure with Ubuntu Linux through APT url.

Cydia is the application, that gets install after Unlocking the iPhone. It acts just like an Apple App Store. Using this Application, we can download may other applications, games to customize iPhone to your like. Already there rising an news that SmartPhone market brings the Notebooks markets down. I am damn sure iPhone, if comes with lesser price, it will bring down the NoteBook market down. I am very much excited to have iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 in my hand soon. Hope you have too.

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